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Diwali Celebrations At Revalsys
Diwali Celebrations At Revalsys

Diwali Celebrations At Revalsys

Our Values

An office is a place where employees spend the most amount of time at after their homes. Employees are like a second family to each other as they share their special moments and occasions. Celebrating festivals at work helps to bring employees closer.

We at Revalsys always celebrate festivals with great enthusiasm, and this year was no different. Our employees, decked up in traditional wear, kicked off the Diwali celebrations of this year by decorating our office. The office radiated positivity and warmth as the employees decorated it with colourful paper lamps and firecrackers to celebrate the victory of good over evil in an eco-friendly manner.

Our Values
Our Values

The employees then participated in fun games in seven teams of ten each. They played a game of Pictionary and participated in a quiz based on mythology, movies, and sports. They continued the Diwali celebrations by singing hit film songs. Later, Mr Raj Samala, the founder of Revalsys, distributed Diwali gifts among the employees. HAPPY DIWALI!!!

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